Creating Space for Spring
How many times have I began typing words and hit the delete button to clear the words of this post? As of right now, three times. Charming!!!! But whatever, I’ll just keep typing. This is the last Sunday of the winter season and I am glad about it. I’ve been working on publishing this website for some months now, actually all of winter…underground, conferring with the web designers, flowing, figuring things out, asking myself the question, “What do you want to write about Christann???” You know, important stuff. But hey, here I am. Present. Willing. Being Gentle. I’ll write what concerns me, what inspires me, what turns me on and hopefully, you’ll find a smile on your face having read my words. If the latter doesn’t happen, it doesn’t matter either way.
Words have always been a huge part of my life. Books, magazines, newspapers, etc. Words are everywhere and they give great meaning to our lives, it’s how we communicate with the world around us, it’s one of the main ways in which we connect. I’m here for it all.
Over the course of the previous twelve months I’ve been doing a lot of clearing, energetic and physical clearing. Last year I became a certified Reiki practitioner and this information has truly been a blessing in my life. Being cognizant of the energy I hold and express has me doing my absolute best to be my own observer. Say WHAAAT??? Yes, exactly…I am the observer observing myself. Let me type that again, I AM THE OBSERVER OBSERVING MYSELF. Hands down, a dynamic realization.
So what does all of this mean??? NOTHING!! The nothingness of the journey allows us to travel lighter. It allows us to create space for beautiful experiences. When we begin to place meaning on every single thing in our lives, defining every moment, we can sometimes get burdened with making stuff matter. I learned a very long time ago that humans have a tendency to be meaning making machines. But what if, just loving and being present to NOW is the only thing there is? What if I just show up as my most authentic ME and BE? There’s space for growth. There’s space for surprise. There’s space for Love to expand.
Love Expands where Space is Given.
Spring is Near….March 20, 2019…when winter ends and spring begins.
How are you creating the space in your life for more of what you desire to grow?
Today, ask yourself the question, “Am I Willing To Make Room For My Growth?”
Ease x Grace,