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Hi! I’m
Christann Chanell.

I appreciate you stopping by to visit my neck of the Universe.

A Beautiful Teacher

A Beautiful Teacher

A Beautiful Teacher

What can I say about 2019?
A whole lot. 
The beginning of this year began with me questioning everything in my life.
Self-inquiry / Self-Assessment.

This process was extremely uncomfortable.
And yet spirit called me and I answered.
Of course my ego was crying and kicking and screaming all the way to the examination table.

This year, I’ve manifested some beautiful teachers.
I’ve manifested some amazing lessons.

These twelve months have shown me what I no longer identify with. 
What no longer defines me.
The labels I’ve surrendered.
There’s no longer the need or desire to show up as “this or that.”
Only show up love.
No need to defend or define anything.
Just be Love.
This Love that I am stepping into and allowing to come through is something I have no language for.
It’s my process of embodying the fullness of who I am without judgement or context.
A fullness into infinity. Fullness into eternity.


Remembering what I felt like as a little girl, super curious and excited about Life. 
Remembering what it feels like to be fully in my body.

She revealed herself to me.
2019 thinned the veil for me to see Her.
She is Truth.
She is Awareness.
She is Light.
She is Spirit.
She is Human.
She is Love.
She is HerSelf.
I am She/Her.

It is Her passionate and courageous intention to create and live Her life according to spiritual principles/universal laws for the purpose of experiencing unconditional love, peace, joy, freedom and abundance.

She is Grateful.

Join me in the Pure Atmosphere of Gratitude for Life.
— Hafiz.

Well Hello!

Well Hello!

Yesterday, The Cemetery.

Yesterday, The Cemetery.