Well Hello!
It’s been a whole long while since I’ve posted. Life has really been revealing herself through me and to me. Whew Lawd! Let’s see, I’m in school….spiritual school. Say What? Yeah, I’m in school and enjoying every minute of it. I am amazed at how deep my gratitude is running these days. DEEP GRATITUDE!
Two things I’m mastering for myself: Trust and Surrender. How beautiful and revelatory my process is. How trust is showing up for me….relaxing into the flow of my life and releasing control. For so long, I’d tried to control everything in my life, my emotions, behaviors, other people, lovers, etc. And it never worked out the way I wanted it to. Why? Because I was fighting against life. I was pushing back at what desired to be birthed through my journey. And I breathe……
As I intentionally surrender moment-by-moment, I’m surprised. I learned something about myself….I used to say, “I hate surprises!” LIE! LIE! LIE! That was the control talking….I actually love being surprised because it brings joy and excitement. Being surprised brings me to the present moment. I used to believe surrender was weakness and that is no longer true for me. Surrender is detachment from the outcome and allowing situations to naturally unfold. I get to practice keeping my heart open throughout every experience. Whaaaat!??!? Heart Open!! Yes, HEART OPEN!
Being in my heart is keeping me grounded in my gratitude. Seeing love, peace, and joy in everything. Yes, let me keep my heart open and allow more light in.
My offering of abundance: breathe deeply and recognize the infinite possibilities available to you. Trust yourself. You are your greatest gift. I love you.
Wanderlust : on location in Arizona.