Tuned In...
At some point, I began listening to myself. Asking myself. Getting still. Going within myself to access a deep knowing. A conceivable truth of who I Am. An individualized expression of the Power of Love. Spirit. God. Creator. Source.
““I have been a seeker and I still am, but I stopped asking the books and the stars. I started listening to the teaching of my soul.” ~Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī.”
There’s so much movement in the world, information is circulating and expanding at speeds like never before. This is a beautiful time to experience life. I am experiencing myself in ways I couldn’t have imagined a few years ago. Like wow! To simply sit with myself, my body, my breath, my heart and listen. There’s nothing I need to do. There’s nothing I need to have. It’s already within me. My soul called me forth to create the abundant life I am living, to transmute and clear patterns that no longer serve my higher self, to be light, and to love.
When the student is ready…the teacher appears. And in my case, teachers. In this present moment, all of my inner children who’ve been waiting for me to fully embrace them, to listen, to allow them their space. Oh the joy I am feeling. Nurturing all the parts of me with tender, loving care.
Tuned In Loving.
Tuned In Listening.
I surrender all….